Licentia Franchise SA


Application for a Population Certificate is made in terms of Section 21 (1) of the Community Fire Safety By-law under the
National Building Regulations.
‘‘Population’’ means the population determined in accordance with the National Building Regulations (A21);

The controlling authority may instruct the Business Owner or person in charge of the premises to apply for either a temporary or a permanent population certificate, should the premises be used in respect of any other occupancy contemplated in the National Building Regulations (A20).

The temporary or permanent population certificate must be displayed in a visible and conspicuous position in or on the premises for which the certificate was issued.

The Business Owner or the person in charge of the premises must prevent overcrowding by limiting the maximum population to that which is specified on the temporary or permanent population certificate.

The Business Owner and or the person in charge shall instruct all clients and or participants to vacate the premises that are overcrowded when instructed to do so by the Authority.

(South African Police Services, Fire Department, Local Municipality, Liquor Authority).

If at any time, during an inspection from time to time, the Authority becomes aware that the usage of the premises is not in accordance with the temporary or permanent population certificate, penalties and or closure of the Business may follow as a consequence.


Application for a Population Certificate is made in terms of Section 21 (1) of the Community Fire Safety By-law under the
National Building Regulations.
‘‘Population’’ means the population determined in accordance with the National Building Regulations (A21);

The controlling authority may instruct the Business Owner or person in charge of the premises to apply for either a temporary or a permanent population certificate, should the premises be used in respect of any other occupancy contemplated in the National Building Regulations (A20).

The temporary or permanent population certificate must be displayed in a visible and conspicuous position in or on the premises for which the certificate was issued.

The Business Owner or the person in charge of the premises must prevent overcrowding by limiting the maximum population to that which is specified on the temporary or permanent population certificate.

The Business Owner and or the person in charge shall instruct all clients and or participants to vacate the premises that are overcrowded when instructed to do so by the Authority.

(South African Police Services, Fire Department, Local Municipality, Liquor Authority).

If at any time, during an inspection from time to time, the Authority becomes aware that the usage of the premises is not in accordance with the temporary or permanent population certificate, penalties and or closure of the Business may follow as a consequence.


A Population Certificate is not transferable at the change of ownership (When the Business is Sold) or from one premise to another (When the Business is relocated). A Population Certificate is not renewable, a once-off fee is charged for the Application, and no annual renewal of the Population Certificate is required.

A temporary population certificate is valid for a period not exceeding 30 calendar days.

The temporary and permanent population certificate is valid only for the premises or portion of the premises for which it was issued, and when changes of occupancy occur or alterations are made to the premises for which the certificate was issued, the owner or person in charge of the premises shall reapply for the certificate in accordance with subsection (1).


A Population Certificate is not transferable at the change of ownership (When the Business is Sold) or from one premise to another (When the Business is relocated). A Population Certificate is not renewable, a once-off fee is charged for the Application, and no annual renewal of the Population Certificate is required.

A temporary population certificate is valid for a period not exceeding 30 calendar days.

The temporary and permanent population certificate is valid only for the premises or portion of the premises for which it was issued, and when changes of occupancy occur or alterations are made to the premises for which the certificate was issued, the owner or person in charge of the premises shall reapply for the certificate in accordance with subsection (1).