Licentia Franchise SA

How to end a contract legally in South Africa

Reference: Published by Staff Writer, 26 March 2023

When ending a contract, South Africans must follow the correct procedures.

According to Wright Rose-Innes, parties frequently err by concluding contracts without exercising due diligence.

The majority of contracts include clauses or reasons that specify when and how the agreement may be canceled prior to its expiration.

They frequently consist of warnings, breach clauses, or notice periods before termination.

These clauses are often well-written into contracts, but occasionally, clauses are not followed correctly, which causes uncertainty over when a contract will end.

The Case

Datacentrix (Pty) Ltd v. O-Line (Pty) Ltd, a case before the Supreme Court of Appeal, examined the legality of a contract cancellation.

According to the court, for a notice of termination to be legitimate and for the contract to be properly terminated in the case of a breach, it had to be given within the timeframe stipulated in the contract and in accordance with the precise procedures outlined.

By following the relevant steps, the defaulting party has the chance to make things right within the constraints set forth in the contract.

The party in default may miss the opportunity to repair the problem and prevent the contract from being terminated if the proper notice procedures are not followed.

If the proper notice processes are not followed, the party in default may miss the chance to address the issue and prevent the contract from being terminated.

The courts have ruled time and time again that a contract cannot be canceled abruptly because adequate notice periods must be followed, even where the termination provisions in the contract are ambiguous.

The decision of what is reasonable is based on a number of variables, including the language used, the parties’ intentions, their connection, and the circumstances of the termination.

Minimum notice periods are required by law for a contract to be terminated successfully.

For instance, a fixed-term consumer contract may be cancelled with 20 days’ notice under the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008.

As a result, the first step in considering terminating a contract is to carefully examine it to determine the specific reasons for termination and the associated steps.

Only when done in accordance with the contract’s provisions may contracts be cancelled legally. The possibility of the contract being revoked and the relevant party being held in breach of the contract exists if the proper processes are not followed.

If the applicable contract has no grounds for termination, a determination of what constitutes a reasonable notice period would be made.